Gratitude… or Resentment?

Time for a Thanksgiving rant. I, for one, am weary of the whining and complaining that seems to be taking over the country, and even the world.

While I try to stay politically neutral on this blog, too many of today’s political leaders (if you can call them that) seem more focused on manipulating emotions rather than solving problems. Sorry if I stepped on toes, but as consultants we must call them as we see them.

The hot button the manipulators like to push is labeled “Resentment.”  To counter that, I suggest we try pushing the button labeled “Gratitude.

Trying to understand what happened in the last presidential election, I read several books analyzing the underlying conditions. A common theme was resentment, amplified by the political rhetoric. Thinly disguised as populism, it occurred on both sides –  the right with “Lock Her Up” and the left “Occupy Wall Street.”

One of the books was The Politics of Resentment by Catherine Cramer. It started as a small research project at the University of Wisconsin to better understand how the university might better serve rural Wisconsin. Thus surprising outcome was the level of rural resentment against the “city dwellers.”

Many of the resenter’s assumptions were false (money spent on roads and other rural services), yet that did not stop Scott Walker and others from using that resentment to manipulate voters. Meanwhile, problems went unsolved. It also helped explained the Wisconsin swing to Trump.

So, do YOU like being manipulated? Emotions are powerful, but they often defy logic. Emotions do NOT solve problems, but they CAN divide and obstruct, making them a favorite tool of politicians.

Maybe it it time to step back, reflect, and show some gratitude. Maybe it is time to stop listening to the manipulators, and start thinking for ourselves. Maybe it is time to focus on solving problems and working to make the world a better place, as good consultants do!

In the spirit of Thanskgiving, here are five things I am grateful for:

  • Living in a country where I am free to pursue my own dreams (such as starting/running a consulting firm.)
  • Living in a time in history where exciting changes happen (instead of resenting those changes.)
  • Living in the midst of abundance (food, clean water, health care, safety, and more.)
  • Living relatively free of financial concerns (thanks to my consulting business and years of “selective frugality” and saving)
  •  Living with a spouse who supported me for over fifty years (Thanks, Mary!)

And five more reasons to be grateful:

  • Clients who put their trust in us
  • Colleagues and advisers who supported us
  • A business partner who was a joy to work with (Rest in Peace)
  • Parents who cared and encouraged (in spite of hard times)
  • And a wonderful family (two sons, their wives, and six extraordinary grandchildren.)

How about you? What are YOU grateful for?

Happy Thanksgiving!

Uncle Daryl 


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