
Got the itch to consult but not sure where to start? Or just curious?  C’mon in…  

This blog is about how to start/build/run a small or solo consulting practice.

The blog is NOT about building a large practice, nor even working in a large practice — although the latter may be a good place to learn the basics. 

The blog is aimed at the following readers:

  • Those ready to start (or already running) a part-time or full-time consultancy.
  •  Those who are mid-career and beyond – perhaps even approaching retirement.
  •  Or anyone simply curious about consulting and how to become one. 

Others are welcome too. But the above reflect my personal experience as a semi-retired electrical engineer who began consulting in his 30s – went full time in 1987 – spent well over half his career as an independent consulting engineer – and had a ball doing so!

Finally, this blog is about INDEPENDENCE— thus the goofy hat — and how I ultimately became Occupationally Independent,  Financially Independent, and Location Independent. Stick around, and I’ll show you how you can too.

My “secret mission” is to help set you free to enjoy the consulting life as I have. 

As the co-founder a successful engineering consulting firm, I’m often asked about the inside secrets of consulting.”

Most queries are variations of what I call the “Four Key Questions:” 

  • How Do You Get Clients?
  • How Do You Set Your Fees?
  • How Do You Decide What to Consult About?
  • How Can I Get Started? 

My goals here are to address those questions, share ideas, and demystify this business. At the same time, I’ll provide examples and offer encouragement.

A SPECIAL WELCOME to “Geeks and Geezers…”

  • If you are a “geek” (aka professional),  click here
  • If you are a “geezer”(aka boomer), click here

If you are neither, but are just interested in consulting, you are still WELCOME  here.  After all, consultants come in all specialties, sizes, shapes, sexes, ages, and more.

CHECK OUT “So you Want to Be a Consultant” at InCompliance Magazine…

Some FAQs about the blog…

WHY did you start this blog?

An unscratched itch. In 2010, my older son (an accountant — the same age when I started consulting full time) said, “Dad, we should talk about consulting…”

As we talked, I realized there were others who might also be interested. After all, he was only one of many people over the years who had inquired about starting and running a small consulting practice.

So I started the blog.

  • A blog aimed at the novice thinking about consulting or starting out — not necessarily the expert with years in practice.
  •  A simple primer on consulting, based on my own experience — sharing things learned over 30+ years of starting and running a successful engineering consulting business.
  • A guide for those who might want to follow the same path — or at least, those who want to check it out.

The itch was to help others — yearning to be free as I once was, and for whom consulting might be the answer.

So if YOU are interested in consulting, stick around, and maybe even join those readers who have since made their own JumpToConsulting.

WHO should read this blog?

Anyone curious about the mysteries of consulting.  Here are some examples of what I envision as a typical blog reader:

  • You’re a frustrated corporate “rat” weary of being “managed” (like I was 30+ years ago), and you wonder what its like to be a independent consultant, and how to get there.
  • You’re a “big firm” accountant (like my accountant was 30+  years ago), and you’ve thinking about hanging out your own shingle.
  • You’re a creative architect (like an ex-neighbor), and you want to do some  moonlighting.
  • You’re a bored lawyer who wants to do something else (like an airplane seat mate who started her own firm on jury selection and is now having a ball.)
  • You’re a retiree who wants to stay involved, like a friend who volunteered her skills to a local Native American school, and who ended up getting paid to travel all over the state — providing her immense satisfaction and enhancing her retirement.

Or maybe you are just thinking about joining the consulting/coaching ranks, and you’re seeking some practical information from someone who has actually been there and done it for years.

WHAT will you cover?

A wide range of topics. The blog follows two parallel tracks:

  • The first track  focuses on the “nuts and bolts”  of the consulting business — marketing, sales, finances, fees, operations, and more.
  • The second track is more general, and includes  success stories, resources, anecdotes, and perhaps even an occasional rant.

The blog now has over 300 posts. With your feedback, I’m sure we can find even more.

WHEN will you update your blog?

At least twice a month, alternating between tracks. Since I’m still involved with my engineering practice, that may occasionally slip if my schedule gets too hectic.

As such, you may want to subscribe to the newsletter or RSS feed if you don’t want to check in.

WHERE will this take us?

Who knows? But life is a journey — and you’re invited to ride along with me for a while.

In closing, here is a favorite quote that captures the spirit of my blog.  This plaque has hung on my wall for years:

“It is good to be a seeker,
But sooner or later you have to be a finder,
And then it is well to give what you have found,
A gift into the world,
For whoever will accept it.”

— Jonathan Livingston Seagull (by Richard Bach), one of my favorite books.

May you enjoy the gift of my blog…

Terms of Use…

–Questions, feedback, and shared experiences are welcome. This includes links to relevant posts, including those from your own website. The goal here is to share information on consulting. However, advertising and guest posts are currently not accepted.

–Comments will be prescreened to prevent spammers and trolls. Given some of you are just exploring consulting, anonymous comments are OK. Please keep all comments friendly and helpful, and most important, have fun. Negative comments will not be posted nor will they receive a reply.

–The material in this blog is protected by copyright. You may excerpt passages as long as you attribute the source. References to this blog are always appreciated. All I really ask is that you don’t claim my material as your own.

Privacy Statement. We will never share, sell or rent your personal information without advance permission unless ordered by a court of law. We will not spam you, but you may hear from us with information that we feel may be of interest to you, which includes our newsletter. The JumpToConsulting email list is managed by Mail Chimp, and is a verified opt in. You may unsubscribe at any time you receive a mailing.

–Disclaimer. The material in the blog is for general informational purposes only. If you need specific advice, please consult with a professional who specializes in your area of concern. This blogger is not liable for any losses or damages due to actions taken based on the contents of this blog. Sorry for the need to include this statement, but it is the world we now live in.  Meanwhile, please enjoy my blog.

JumpToConsulting is an enterprise of Kimmel Gerke Associates, Ltd.  Thanks for visiting JumpToConsulting!

© 2010 – 2023, https:. All rights reserved.

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