Monthly Archives: October 2020

Am I Retired or What???

Here is a reply I left on a private forum on personal finance that I thought might be of interest. The questions was “What do you say when people ask if you are retired?”

In my 70s I probably look the part. I collect SS and my RMD. But I still dabble with my consulting practice, so when asked I offer one of the following:

  • I’m semi-retired (whatever that means)
  • I keep failing retirement
  • I retired at 41 when I went on my own

The last may be the most accurate. I was still “working” but it never felt that way. And when I hit the first million a few years later, I was having fun, so why stop? Plus I had the freedom to take time off anytime. And no bosses telling me what to do.

Never regretted leaving the rat race early, even though not fully FI (financially independent) at the time. Nor did my late business partner when I asked if he had regrets a few weeks before the cancer got him. His response, said with a chuckle, “Maybe one regret. Perhaps we should have done this sooner.” But we had 28 fun filled years working (or was it retired) together.

Still having fun, and would do it again in a heartbeat.

I received several “likes” on “failing retirement.” I stay involved at a low level for fun (and profit.) As a college friend who does the same says, “It keeps your mind from going to seed.” I’ll leave that assessment up to those who know me 🙂

But one of the joys of consulting is that you never need to fully retire. There does not need to be a day where you pack up your desk, go home, and wonder what to do next. If you like what you are doing, you can keep doing it at whatever level you desire. And it even brings in “fun money” for the occasional toy. 

I stay involved these days teaching classes, but no longer do one-one-one consulting other than by phone. Thanks to COVID, the teaching is all on-line, something I had been considering for some time. My reluctance was whether I’d miss the live personal feedback, but after several multi-day Zoom classes, I’m hooked. No more planes and hotels!

If you are already retired but bored or restless, consider starting a consulting practice. You may even find you enjoy “working” again. More details and examples here.

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Two books on Independence I Found Inspiring…

This blog in not focused solely on Consulting, but also in achieving Independence (Occupational, Financial, and/or Locational).

Consulting is but one way to achieve any or all. It has worked well for me, and why I share my personal experiences in hopes it may help others.

Here are two books I recently read — memoirs that describe how two young couples broke free from the rat race and pursued their independence. Neither are consultants, but both work from home. I found the stories inspiring and refreshing.

Meet the Frugalwoods – Achieving Financial Independence Through Simple Living – Elizabeth Willard Thames – Harper Collins (2018)

A personal memoir by a finance blogger, describing her transition from an uneasy yuppie (young urban professional) in Cambridge MA to a happy homesteader in Vermont, achieving financial independence at age 32. It reminded me of my journey to independence, which started at 32 with a part time consulting practice.

In 2014, Liz and her husband Nate were on the young urban fast track. But the prospect of being on the corporate hamster wheel for the next thirty years was depressing. (I remember that feeling.) Rather than moping about it as so many do, they made a plan, took action, and began to save bunches of money — eventually over 70% of their take home pay. Their dream was to retire to a homestead in the woods.

Already blogging, Liz documented their journey of unconventional frugality in her blog, the Frugalwoods. By 2017 they reached their goal, and are now living their dream on a sixty-six acre homestead in rural Vermont with their two young daughters. Liz continues with her blog, sharing their adventures in frugality and living the “good life.”

Personal note – We lived a frugal life and even did “urban homesteading” in our 20s, but never moved to the woods. (Gardened, canned, Mother Earth News and more.) Our route to independence was via a JumpToConsulting (see EMIGURU.COM)

If You Lived Here You Would Be Home By Now: Why We Traded Commuting Life for a Little House on the Prairie – Christopher Ingraham – Harper Collins (2019) 

Another personal memoir by a journalist, describing his transition from a frustrated East Coast commuter in Maryland to contented small town life in rural Minnesota. It reminded me of growing up in rural Nebraska, although I am happy living an urban life.

In 2015, Christopher ran across an obscure study as a data reporter for the Washington Post. In the 1990s, the USDA ranked all the counties in the US by scenery and climate. Sensing the chance for a fun article,  he chose to write about the “ugliest county in the country” – Red Lake County, MN. Almost on the Canadian border, the frigid winters and the plainness of the prairie (no lakes or forest) earned it the bottom slot on the list.

When the story went viral, the residents of Red Lake County invited him to visit. Expecting to be excoriated, he was treated to classic “Minnesota Nice,” including a marching band on his arrival. Impressed by the warmth of the people and disgruntled with his commute and the East Coast cost of living, he eventually decided to move there. The book highlights his many humorous adventures adapting to life in the frozen north. He still writes remotely for WaPo.

Personal note –  “Minnesota Nice” is real. My wife was born and raised there, and I spent 25 years there. It it where we started the consulting business, and where we regularly return for several months each year (in the summer — not the winter) to see grandkids and more.

Both books are quick reads, and both lend proof to the idea that you can follow your own path to independence and a better life. More here:

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