A letter to my teenage son… 30 years ago…

On cleaning out some old files, I ran across this letter to my teen age son in 1990.  I though the sentiments might be a good way to start a new decade.

Dear Son,

Ask almost any adult, and they will admit they would not want to suddenly become a teenager again. We all remember our confusion, insecurities, and uncertainties. We all remember facing those important “decisions” about our lives.

In spite of all this, it is a very exciting time. You are stepping into society as an adult, leaving childhood behind. Rest assured, you’ll do fine… we all had to make that change.

In the meantime, here are some thoughts and ideas for you to consider and ponder.

Options… I’m a big believer in having options in life. The more skills, knowledge, and education you have, the more options you have. You are very fortunate, for you have much native intelligence. You have already begun developing that into sound knowledge.

I suggest you keep at it, and continue to develop your knowledge. You definitely have a gift for learning, and you should pursue it will all vigor. I suggest you also continue to add to your skills… speaking, writing, debating… for knowledge alone, without the skills to communicate to convince and lead, is of little use.

Decisions… I’m also a big believer in making decisions, and then acting on them. I’m not suggesting snap decisions — first gather information — then assess it — and then act on it. This last part — acting — is where most people fail. Don’t be afraid of the “wrong” decision — you can always change you mind later, and it is still much better than no decision at all.

Here is a quick trick I’ve used for those important career decisions. First, ask yourself, “Could I do it?” Then, ask yourself, “Should I”. The first requires assessing your skills/strengths/weaknesses, while the second asks if it is really right for you.

Goals… This is tough one. Some people advocate well defined 1-2-5 year plans, but I’ve never found that to work for me. Nevertheless, I had broader goals that helped guide me thus far. These include interesting work, reasonable income, a good education for you and your brother, owning a home, travel, etc.

Give some thought to what you want out of life, and then go after it. If you don’t it, it probably won’t come to you. Just be sure what you seek is what you really want out of life.

Here are some additional quick thoughts from your mother and me:

Be honest… to others, and to yourself. That happiest and most satisfied people we know are very honest with everyone.

Work hard… intelligence and knowledge are not enough. It takes dedication and hard work to be a success.

Don’t seek security… too many people try to eliminate all risk from their lives. Most don’t succeed at it and even this who appear to be “secure” live pretty bland lives.

Think big… reach for the stars. Yes, you could become president or win a Nobel Prize,or ??? But it won’t happen if you don’t try. Just be sure it is worthwhile to you.

Be thankful… for friends, opportunities, health, and for life itself.

Enjoy life… both good days and bad days. Make the best of both.

Mom and Dad

Some good advice for aspiring consultants too. Happy New Year — Uncle Daryl!

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