Blog Post #100… What next???

Can’t believe we just hit 100 blog posts! Who would have thought there were a hundred things to say about starting and building a small consulting practice?

Well, after two years, there are still plenty of ideas to share and explore. In fact, my original list of possible posts has actually grown.

As soon as the Lead Generation series is done, we’ll begin a series on selling your services — something that seems to scare a lot of people. But is no big deal, as I learned in ten years as a sales engineer working with my technical colleagues.

We’ll also explore fee setting, the number two question I hear after “How do you get your clients, anyway?” We’ll address start up issues too.

Been musing over a few other ideas on where to go with this blog. So check out the new page titled Services.

Some free, some for a nominal fee. Not trying to make a fortune, but any revenues we get will help pay the expenses for running the site, along with adding some new features down the road.

Here is a quick overview:

  • If you have a quick question and are not in a hurry for an answer, drop me an e-mail. If time allows, I’ll give you a personal answer. If not, I’ll at least sanitize it and answer in a future post. FREE
  • Or, join me for a monthly teleconference. Still working on the details, but watch my blog.  Also FREE. (Borrowed this idea from Pam Slim at Escape From Cubicle Nation. Fellow Arizonan Pam was an inspiration for this blog. )
  • Watch the blog for on-line classes. Initially will be done as a series of webinars. Two are already prepared. May add discussion sessions and forums for subsequent offerings. INTERESTED? Please let me know.
  • The book. Still a goal, but not sure it is the best use of time for now. The blog and on-line classes might help more people in a shorter time frame. Don’t need it for the ego boost — have already written or co-written several technical books, plus hundreds of articles.  So the book deadline is now TBD.

Caution – if you are receiving my blog  by RSS subscription, please change to an e-mail subscription. Google will be dropping RSS in July 2013, so the future is uncertain. As always, our e-mail lists are PRIVATE, and will not be shared, rented, or sold.

Finally, a big THANK YOU to my readers! Several have commented privately, and I appreciate hearing  from you. A comment or short e-mail always gives me a boost and the incentive to keep going.  If nothing else, it is proof I’m not just babbling to myself.

And now that the house remodeling is finally done, on to the next 100 posts!

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