Sequestered in Arizona due to COVID19…

A quick update from the head shed. Along with a mini-rant…

In 1918, my 25 year old grandmother died of the Spanish flu. She left behind a toddler and an infant. The latter was my mother.

Several weeks ago, my brother self quarantined as the result of a chance encounter with the first confirmed case in Omaha. He is doing fine, but the infected person was very critical. She survived thanks to the University of Nebraska Medical Center’s bio-containment unit.

Both examples remind me how serious this threat is. Not one to overreact, Mary and I decided to minimize contact a month ago, and are washing our hands a lot. Not just for ourselves, but for the community at large, hoping to slow the spread.

It just seems the responsible thing to do.

While many have only mild symptoms, this old engineer worries about the Cost of Failure. Ignoring the latter is the reason I am extremely unhappy with our government response, at both the national and state level. I am also extremely unhappy that ignorant politicians are not listening to the real experts (aka consultants?)

My consulting business mantra has long been “Plan for the worst — Hope for the best — Roll the dice and see what happens.”  The planning was clearly not there — critical infrastructure was cut — and nobody wants to take responsibility or provide leadership.

AZ finally closed barber shops, hair salons, massage and tattoo parlors just two days ago, after whining for weeks about lost tourism. Were these really essential? Or was it profits over people? Even now, the golf courses remain open – absurd but not unexpected from a former ice-cream CEO. Way to go, Governor Doug Ducey!

I hope everyone Remembers in November. This is not about politics — this is about ending arrogance and incompetence, and holding those responsible accountable for all the unnecessary suffering they have caused.

To end on a positive note, I remain confident this will eventually get better. However, it appears too many unnecessary deaths will have occured.

Please stay safe –for yourself, for your community, and for your loved ones.

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2 thoughts on “Sequestered in Arizona due to COVID19…

  1. I think there are problems all up and down the spectrum of people. I recently learned of a lady who went into a big box hardware store to purchase supplies for home projects. An attempt to make good use of her time during the coronacation, and obviously not essential purchases. When the lady didn’t get what she wanted, she blew in the face of the associate as a form of retaliation. I honestly don’t know how to respond to this and it is one more reason my wife and I stay home.

    All I can say is do your best, stay safe, and this will indeed end soon.


    1. Thanks, Doug. What a sad story. One wonders what kind of person would do that. But in reality, we’ve all known a few like that – self absorbed, uncaring, and worse… We now have been locked down for five weeks, and will continue. Don’t want to get it — don’t want to spread it — don’t want to burden the health care system… And you stay safe too!

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