Resource Review – The $100 Startup

Chris Guillebeau’s latest book (The $100 Startup) contains a wealth of information for anybody considering the jump to ANY small business (not just consulting.) It is a mix of inspiration and real-world examples backed up with proven business advice.

This is Chris’s second book. The first, the Art of Nonconformity, encourages people to follow their passions and live their lives with gusto. But it is not just talk — Chris actually lives that way.  In addition to starting several successful businesses along with a very successful blog, he is but a few countries from personally visiting EVERY country in the world. All this at under 35 years old!

The $100 Startup, however, is not about Chris nor his latest adventures, but is based on real business research. This book details 50 case studies on successful micro-businesses started from modest investments (many under $100.) The case studies were derived from a survey Chris conducted of over 1500 people who, like Chris, have built businesses earning $50,000 year or more. (Yes, some were even consultants.)

In addition to the success stories, the book is loaded with useful charts, checklists, and other tools to help you start your own business. All practical nuts and bolts stuff. The stories or tools alone would make the book worthwhile, but couple those with his insights and advice, and you have a winner.

Two thumbs up! (Enjoyed is so much, I actually read it through twice.)

The $100 Startup, by Chris Guillebeau
Crown Business, 2012  (Available May 8, 2012)
ISBN 978-0-307-95132-6
book website:
blog website:×5/

P.S. – Chris  does address consulting in his book, and even includes an Instant Consultant Biz template (pages 43-44), which is also available for download.

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