Resource Review – Consulting Web Sites

Here are four web sites that specialize in consulting which you may find useful. I’m sure there are more — please let me know if you have favorites to share.

–Summit Consulting Groupwww.summitconsulting.comAlan Weiss, Ph.D. – Focus on taking successful practices to the next level. Strong emphasis on management/business consulting. Dr. Weiss is the author of Million Dollar Consulting (see my review) plus over thirty other books on consulting issues.

This content rich web site includes a blog, free newsletters, forums, and much more. Wide range of products/services ranging from books to workshops/seminars and personal mentoring.

A product I’ve enjoyed this past year is the Friday Wrap, a weekly 15 minute audio program supplemented with a monthly video. I consider it a weekly tonic on the business of consulting.

–Rain Today Schultz and John Doerr – Focus on sales/marketing of professional practices, both management and technical. Appear to be expanding their reach beyond consulting, as they recently added a sales/marketing program for business entrepeneurs. Schultz and Doerr are the authors of Rain Making Conversations (see my review).

Web site is membership based, with some free articles from a wide range of authors, but a lot more information for members. The latter include webinars, case studies, and more. They also offer a detailed class on selling professional services, plus research reports.

I belong to their membership site, plus attended the on-line sales class for consultants. Found it useful and got some new ideas. The class was an on-line version of their popular two day live class.

–Business Consulting Buzz and Sam Zipursky – Recently stumbled across this web site, although it has been around for several years. Focus on business/management consulting for both beginners and existing practitioners.

Products/services are primarily on-line, and includes an introductory course/workbook for a nominal price. I recently purchased their series of audio interviews of successful consultants and found them useful and interesting.

–Jumptoconsultinghttps://www.jumptoconsulting.comYours Truly – Focus on starting a consulting practice, with an emphasis on “geeks and boomers”. As a consulting engineer and a baby-boomer, these are two demographic groups to which I belong.

About to complete my first year of this blog. No current products, but some plans are brewing. Stay tuned…

Took a break… If you have been following this blog, you noticed a lack of activity this past month. The schedule got busy between business commitments and a road trip, but the dust is finally starting to settle. Been busy writing, however — a technical blog, a magazine article, and soon another company newsletter. Still, hope to be able to dedicate more time here.

Thanks… Appreciate those who have contacted me regarding the JumpToConsulting project, and am glad to know you’re finding it useful. Please keep me posted on your progress, and Happy Thanksgiving to all!

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