Management vs. Technical Consulting

Consultants come in all types of sizes, shapes, and specialties. However, most fall into one of two broad categories — management consultants or technical consultants. While both provide services and advice aimed at helping the client, there are some significant differences.

As a consulting engineer, I am more familiar with the technical category. Nevertheless, I’ve known and worked with a number of management consultant over the years, so I feel comfortable sharing observations on this category as well.

Technical consultants are usually problem-oriented, and typically live in a “concrete” world. Most are specialists by education (engineers, doctors, lawyers, accountants, architects, etc.) with years of advanced professional education and experience.

  • Most technical consultants focus on solving technical problems or addressing compliance issues. (Think doctors, accountants, lawyers, and most engineers.)
  • Other technical consultants, however, focus on creating new ideas, concepts, and products. (Think architects and design engineers.) They all apply hard science, logic, and even art to achieve results.
  • Technical consultants often need to be licensed by government boards before they can offer their services to the public. The licensing requirements are strict, and require in-depth examinations combined with suitable professional experience. As such, they can confer a high degree of credibility.
  • A word of caution. Non-licensed professionals can be censured or even jailed for practicing without a license. Don’t even think about practicing medicine or law without a license.

Management consultants are usually process-oriented, and typically live in an “abstract” world. Most are generalists by education (business, liberal arts) but may have extensive experience in business specialties (marketing, advertising, personnel, etc.)

  • Most management consultants focus on solving business problems or improving business processes. Profitability and ROI are major measures of success (or failure) for management consultants.
  • Management consultants are typically more “people oriented” than technical consultants, and often apply soft science (psychology or market research) and emotional appeals to achieve results.
  • Management consultants rarely require specialized legal licenses, but may still need simple business licenses.
  • In order to enhance credibility, many  management consultants pursue certifications by nonlegal entities. Depending on the client, these credentials may or may not have meaning, so choose your credentials with care.

Two different types of consultants — two different cultures. In my experience, the two types sometimes even distrust each other, but much of this is due to misunderstanding. Personally, I have great respect for both types of consultants. Hopefully this post has promoted some tolerance regarding these cultural differences.

As a final thought, consider opportunities where the two cultures collide. For example, if you have a technical background combined with marketing or finance experience, you’ll have a big advantage with high tech clients over the liberal arts major.

The same is true if you have management background combined with legal or medical experience — you’ll have much more credibility in your core community than a generic consultant. I’ve seen successful examples for both.

The bottom line — understand the differences, and then build on your own unique strengths and experiences.

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5 thoughts on “Management vs. Technical Consulting

  1. As you mentioned, some technical consultants help come up with new ideas and way of doing things. I think that it would be interesting to shadow a technical consultant for a day, and see all the things that they come up with. I wonder how many different companies they work with in a day.

    1. Thanks for your comment. Shadowing for a day might not be enough – a month might be better. My typical client load was 25-35 projects a year. Most projects ran from 2 days to a month, and included troubleshooting, design improvements, and training. There were occasional shorter phone consultations. I enjoyed the variety — never got bored 🙂

  2. Hi,
    Thanks for sharing an informative article. That’s true that IT consultants are problems oriented and Management consultants are process-oriented. I’m also an IT consultant and we help and provide the solution of the problem related with the technology and the management consultant deals with the management-related things about the business. It’s fact that misunderstanding arises between them but both are working for the success of the business.

    1. Thanks for your comment, and I agree both work improve things. This post was inspired by a slightly snarky comment from a well known management consultant who said he simply did not “understand” technical people. I just chuckled and wrote this post. We engineers/IT people are indeed different 🙂

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