Don’t be an e-mail pest…

Time for a mini-rant.

In recent months, I’ve received numerous unsolicited e-mails that follow this format:

  • The first e-mail offers some unwanted service, like updating my website, increasing my leads, or even handling my HR hiring or payroll needs. (The latter is amusing as I am a one person firm, which simple research would have uncovered.)
  • The second e-mail, two days later, asks if I’ve read the first email (already deleted) and wants to set up an appointment.
  • The third e-mail, nine days later, gets a bit snarky. By that time I’m so annoyed that even if I did need the services I would NOT use this person.

Here is a specific example. It is thinly disguised, but if you have received the same email, you will recognize the perpetrator.

On Mon, Jan 21, 2019 at 6:28 am, CW wrote:

Hey Daryl,

Curious if Kimmel Gerke Associates is on an older payroll/HR system, like ADP or Paychex?

If you are, Ripoff can easily save your team 50+ hours of admin work (and, likely, thousands of dollars) every year. How, you ask?

Unlike older platforms, Ripoff integrates all (not just some) of your employee systems — blah, blah, blah…

Do you have any interest in a quick demo to see how we compare?

Thank you!

Account Executive
Ripoff| CA License #999999

On Wed, Jan 23, 2019 at 9:53 am, CW wrote:

Hi Daryl — any thoughts on my email below?

Let me know if you (or someone on your team…) would like to connect this week.


On Feb 1, 2019, at 8:02 AM, CW wrote:

I’m not sure if this changes anything, but not only can Ripoff connect your current HR systems together, it can connect Kimmel Gerke Associates’s IT systems together, too.

You can manage your team’s computers, software licenses, user accounts and passwords — in addition to their payroll, health insurance, 401k, etc. — all in one dashboard.

Are you able to manage all of those things in one place today?

Account Executive
Ripoff| CA License #999999

By the third unsolicited piece of spam (possibly illegal) I have NO interest in working with Ripoff on anything — ever!

Normally I just ignore this kind of foolishness, but feeling ornery, I sent the following note back. Feel free to use it yourself. If enough of us do so, maybe we can at least slow down these marketing idiots.

Please remove me from your list and all future mailings. I am a one person firm, and not in need of your services.

Had you done any research you would know that, and would not be sending repeated unwanted spam.

Which begs the question — why would I do business with someone who does that? Food for thought from a successful business owner of 32 years.

My suggestion – find a way to attract business to come to you.  Don’t be a pest!

If YOU are a marketing consultant recommending this approach, please STOP. If you are thinking about this approach, DON’T do it!

Instead, set up a program to ATTRACT business. Marketing guru Seth Godin calls this permission marketing. Uncle Daryl just calls this common sense.

You can do this many ways — here are 20 ideas from an early post (with detailed follow on links) on JumpToConsulting. The twin goals are establishing credibility and visibility – having clients come to you – not being just another e-mail pest!

End of Rant. 

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2 thoughts on “Don’t be an e-mail pest…

  1. Delete ’em or block ’em, but never reply, as this just confirms that your email has a potential customer behind it. I always figure that spammers collect the angry responses and sell those addresses as high-value future spam lists.

    1. You are likely correct, and I normally do so. But for some reason I was feeling ornery, and it made for a good post. Pretty sure some less than ethical marketing consultant was driving this. Thanks for your thoughts!

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