2019 Annual Review…

As the year ends … it is once again time to reflect and look forward. 

Got this idea years ago from The Art of Nonconformity, and have done it each year since.

As always, I’ll review three categories:

But first, a quick overview…

The JumpToConsulting project is now NINE years old. What started out in 2010 as questions from my son, has now expanded to almost 300 posts on how to start,build, and maintain a small consulting firm – along with a webinar and an e-book.

Many of the blog posts are the result of your questions, so please feel free to ask. Your questions and feedback inspire me to keep going. 

JTC has been a labor of love. After thirty two years as an independent full time consulting engineer, I’m happy to share what I have learned — even as I am still learning 🙂

JTC has also been fun. A good way to learn more about about blogging and writing. That curiosity and drive to learn is what led me to consulting in the first place.

The EMI-GURU project is now over FORTY years old (part time since 1978 — full time since 1987.) It also has been great fun, and quite successful. I made a lot of friends, traveled the world, and am comfortably “semi-retired” – whatever that means.

EMI-GURU  let me to practice my profession as an Electrical Engineer in a ways I could not even imagine as a college student or young engineer. I would do it again in a heartbeat.

Much of what is discussed here is based EMI-GURU experiences. The stuff I talk about is not theory — rather, it is real world and based on those 40+ years of consulting!


Jump-to-Consulting – The blog is now almost 300 posts. The blog has helped several new consultants. That includes both genders – consulting is a great way to break glass ceilings and stereotypes. Along with a great way to become independent and free – the big driver for me.

Took a “blogging sabbatical “over the summer, but am now back in the saddle. Also cut back on the MONTHLY TELECONFERENCE  (“Ask Daryl Anything About Consulting.”) which was a was a bit disappointing — unsure whether to continue. (Note – The Teleconference is back – Register Here.)

Continued working on the class to develop on-line classes. So watch this space for future developments.

EMI-GURU – Continued to wind down the consulting firm, as it morphs into a part-time training firm. No longer consulting, I refer inquiries to colleagues.

Taught several in-house classes this year, with a public class  in July. Also prepared and presented a one day workshop for my local IEEE EMC Society chapter in April.

Teaching is a long time passion – nothing like seeing a student suddenly “get it.” And it adds great synergy to consulting. 

Personal — Continued the semi-nomadic life of heading north to MN in the summer (where there is family) and heading south to AZ in the winter (where there is no snow.) Enjoyed an RV week in New Mexico with friends on the trip north.

Sami the rescue mutt continues to bring joy as a “personal therapist”, along with daily exercise as a “personal trainer.” But, like Uncle Daryl, she too is starting to slow down 🙂


Jump-to-Consulting – Continuing with plans to develop and present some on-line classes. 

The first topic is “So You Want To Be a Consultant” (an expansion of the free webinar) envisioned as five or six one hour modules. (Scroll down to “Courses”for details.)

Thinking a pilot with live webinars at first, with additional group discussions for each module. Will include a reduced fee for the pilot.

Watch the blog for more details. Better yet, drop me a line if you are interested in participating in the pilot.

EMI-GURU –Ramping down the live on-site classes. At the same time, considering going on-line based on existing course materials. Serve more potential students with little or no travel.

Will remain involved locally with the IEEE EMC Society. Looking at one or two public classes.

Personal – Finally leaving the HOA board, upon completion of a million-dollar renovation project. Happy I was able to share my consulting skills and experience, but weary of dealing with a few “terminally unhappy” homeowners. Time to move on to more satisfying activities.

Plans are to continue to learn about and implementing on-line programs; spend time reading/writing; and travel in our little RV. Fire up the ham radio; play with Sami the Shih Tzu mutt; and just goof off. Life is good here!

Wishing you all the best in 2020 — and THANK YOU for reading my blog

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Join us with your questions – or just listen in learn

“Ask Daryl Anything About Consulting”

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