2015 Annual Review…

Another year about gone, and once again it is time to reflect.

Got this idea from Chris Gullibeau of The Art of Nonconformity. He does this each year, and each year challenges others to do the same. Great idea!

So as always, I’ll review three categories:

But first, a quick overview…

The JumpToConsulting project is now FIVE years old. The catalysts were questions by my older son, questions by colleagues, and a fat file for a prospective book. With today’s economy, many people are considering options such as consulting.

I was also intrigued by blogging, and simply wanted to learn more about this Internet phenomena. What better way that to just start a blog. Incidentally, that was the same attitude that got me into consulting. Curiosity, and a desire to learn.

The EMI-GURU project is now almost FORTY years old, which led to full time consulting in 1987. It has been great fun, and quite successful. I’ve traveled the world, and made a lot of friends along the way.

It made me both location independent and financially independent. Best of all, it allowed me to practice my profession as an Electrical Engineer in a ways I didn’t even imagine as a young engineer.

The EMI-GURU project also provides the grist for JumpToConsulting. Much of what is discussed here is based EMI-GURU experiences. The stuff I talk about is not theory — rather, this is real world and is based on almost 40 years in the consulting business!


Jump-to-Consulting – The blog is up to 185 posts. Had planned on more but got sidetracked with my business partner’s cancer. Now back on track, with at least one post per week. Still have well over 100 ideas for new posts.

Not many readers (it is a pretty tight niche), but it has helped several Jumpers. So don’t be bashful — your questions and feedback mean a lot, and they inspire me to keep going.

EMI-GURU – Sad news here. My good friend and business partner of almost 40 years passed away in April from pancreatic cancer. It was a total surprise. Some days I feel like Laurel without Hardy, or Mutt without Jeff. I usually advise against partnerships, but ours was special. I’ll address partnerships in a future post.

As a result, I’ve ceased most consulting, and refer business to select colleagues. I remain involved with the technical classes, something I always enjoyed. Not ready to totally quit. More details at EMIGURU.

Personal – Although a crazy year, still put on about 8000 miles in the RV, with trips to visit grandkids in MN and CT. Also had several weekend trips with friends.

Moved back to our house, after the less than successful patio home experiment. Lesson learned – beware of HOAs (home owner’s associations.)

Sami the rescue mutt continues to bring joy, along with daily exercise as my “personal trainer.”  But due to the stress, the weight crept up about 15# as I fell off the SEC (Stop Eating Crap) diet. You just can’t fool Mother Nature.


Jump-to-Consulting – Keep on blogging, with at least one post per week. Also considering several other enhancements that were sidetracked in 2015. Watch my blog for more details. Better yet, sign up for the newsletter, or drop me a line!

EMI-GURU – Continue teaching technical classes, but not more than once month. There is nothing like seeing a younger engineer (and even an old timer) suddenly “get it.”

Personal – Spend time reading, writing, and traveling in our little RV. Restart the SEC diet. Get back into ham radio. Play with the mutt, and just goof off more!

Wishing you all the best in 2016! And THANK YOU for reading my blog.

© 2015, https:. All rights reserved.

4 thoughts on “2015 Annual Review…

  1. Hi Daryl, I’ve always enjoyed your blogging! In fact, I reference this web site in my annual consulting/networking workshop held the past five years at the EMC Symposium.

    Having “jumped to consulting” at the start of 2008 (just ahead of the big recession, no less), I’ve not looked back. I think one major thing that holds many would be or new consultants back is they don’t charge enough. You really need to consider whether consulting is more of a hobby or a business. If it’s to be a business, then you need to account for all the overhead, in addition to a living wage. Things like insurance (liability/vehicle/health), taxes, SSI, retirement, all add up quickly. Also, just because you “retire” from a daily corporate job doesn’t mean your monthly budget will magically decrease. Basically you want to take your current corporate pay and at least double it and then figure out an average number of hours per month for work and calculate an hourly rate. I know you’ve blogged on this many times.

    As for the weight issue, I realized after spending three months on the road last summer, I had gained about 15 pounds above my “steady state” weight. It’s really difficult to eat healthy during travel. I am finding most large grocery stores are starting to provide more healthy choices, as well as lower-cost organic foods. Since then, we purchased one of those “smart scales” by Withings. This scale will track the weight of two, or more, people and provide a plot versus time, as well as track the number of steps you take each day (assuming you carry a smart phone around with you). Every time you meet certain goals, you’ll receive an email of encouragement. Since I got the scale, I’ve managed to hold my weight steady at my college weight and I’ve apparently walked over 60 miles.

    Keep up the good work, my friend!


    1. Thanks, Ken. I agree regarding the fees, and plan to discuss fees even further in 2016. I also agree with your comments on eating healthy during travel – it can be a challenge. Dinners are often salads (no more big steaks.) Cut way back on the beer. I may even hit a grocery store the first day out and stock up on healthy stuff like fruit/veggies instead of fat snacks.

      And best wishes on your new “consulting project” as the Senior Technical Editor for Interference Technology magazine. All your writing (book, articles, and more) has paid off, just as it did for us. Probably one of the most effective marketing techniques for consultants, as it gives both credibility and visibility.

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