Time for a Sabbatical…
So began a recent post at Satisfying Retirement, a favorite blog I follow. The idea resonated — perhaps it is time to take a break here too.
Not quitting — I’ll be back. In the meantime, there will be occasional posts. I still have a list of over 100 potential topics, with more ideas bubbling up all the time.
After eight years and almost 300 posts, I still enjoy sharing ideas on consulting. But like Bob at SR, it sometimes feels like work, something I try to avoid in my own “satisfying retirement.” Yes, I still teach my engineering classes, but only a half dozen time a year. Enough to be fun, but not enough to feel like a real job. And I no longer consult if it means getting on a plane.
Like Bob, I need a break from this and other self-imposed obligations, such as an HOA (homeowner’s association) board.
The timing is good — I have one more HOA meeting, and then I’m off the board. It has been an interesting three years and much has been accomplished, but still challenging at times.
Not bad – I learned new ways to handle negative people, made some new friends, and got to work with some really positive people who cared. But time to move on.
*** Update *** Decided to run for the HOA board again to help keep the momentum of several critical improvement projects, but at a lower level of effort. We have a good team and it is fun to see the progress. Just like challenging consulting projects
So what will I do next?
The first goal is to move forward on two course development projects that have been pushed aside by the HOA activities.
A year ago I enrolled in a program to develop on-line classes. Two broad objectives here. The first is to convert my live engineering classes to on-line. The second is to develop some on-line classes on starting/building/operating a small consulting practice.
Finished the program (including a pilot webinar) and now ready to implement what I’ve learned. It will take time, but I’m excited about the challenge. Stay tuned.
A second goal is to figure out what I want to do next. Maybe finally set up the garage workshop, or jump back into the ham radio hobby. Or hop in the RV — we already have an event in May with friends in New Mexico.
Read more books — especially American history, a topic that has long fascinated me. As a challenge, a friend read the biography of every US president. Took him two years, but he thoroughly enjoyed it. I’m intrigued by the idea.
Maybe write the book on consulting that was in the the back of my mind when starting the blog. With almost 300 posts, there is plenty of grist for that mill. Already co-authored three books with my late business partner, so this would be just for fun.
There are the grandkids, of course, but four of the six are teenagers, and two more not far behind. One graduates this year, and two more next year. They still bring great joy, but are moving on with lives of their own. As we must too.
So thank you to all who read, follow, and support my efforts. For now, I plan to keep the free monthly teleconference going, but the posts will be irregular. Feel free to drop me a line with questions, or to let me know how you are doing.
Some food for thought below:
Tell me,
What is your plan
to do with your one
wild an precious life?
— Mary Oliver (The Summer Day)
Regular blogging will reconvene at some time in the future.
Best wishes,
Uncle Daryl
P.S. Special thanks to Bob Lowry of Satisfying Retirement for being a catalyst. As Bob is also in Phoenix, we’ll be sharing ideas in a few weeks over lunch.
Join us for our next FREE monthly teleconference.
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I love this idea Daryl and thanks for the update!
Thanks Tom. I’m loving the idea too. Time for a minor reboot.