From the mail bag… Handling phone calls…

Long time friend and recent returnee to the consulting ranks wrote:

Just got an unusual series of email inquiries from a prospect:

  • I’d like to talk to you.
  • Sorry, I’m going on a trip. Let’s connect in a week.
  • I’d like to talk to you tomorrow.
  • Sorry, I’m busy so I’d like to talk to you next week.
  • I’d like to spend an hour on the phone with you. Oh, we currently have no budget for consulting.

I told him I’m on vacation and can’t talk with him for an hour at the moment. Hopefully, I won’t hear back. He clearly does not value my time.

I agree. No consideration — no budget. Not a good potential client. Don’t call him back.

BTW, I just tried something for a one hour consultation that worked well. It was an EMI question, so I explained I no longer traveled for consultations (I still do for training.)

I asked for some details so I could refer him, but I added I’d be happy to answer any quick questions ( a few minutes) he might have.

He felt he needed more time, and asked could he pay for that? I said OK – CC or PayPal, and we talked for a hour followed up another hour of research. No problem paying — no rush — and no guilt about imposing on me.

 A colleague has a policy of offering a half hour, and then letting the client decide if it was worth it and whether to continue. I did the same here — suggested if not happy he did not owe me anything.

He told me how much he appreciated the help (and my “policy”), and asked if he could call again. It all worked out well, and I now have a new “phone client.”  Not a lot of $$$, but it will buy dinner out a few times.

I reworked the EMIGURU web site to reflect that. My past policy was always “no charge” for phone calls, but some would go on for a while. I still do that for old clients or friends. But I think this might be a good way to handle new inquiries, and weed out those not serious.

Steve added:

Good advice. I’d add “If a prospect wants to set up a 1-hour phone call with an open agenda, quote them a 1-hour consulting fee. They’ll quickly self-sort into prospect or suspect buckets.”

Give it a try and see how it works for you.

There is a wonderful Chinese proverb that goes like this…

‘A single conversation across the table with a wise man is worth a month’s study of books.

 — Graham McGregor – The Expensive Marketing Solution

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