Busy times here…

To those of you who follow this blog, my apologies for the recent lack of activity. Been busy here, and hope to pick up the pace again. My personal goal has been one blog post per week, but may drop back to twice a month. Want to spend more time developing the on-line class on […]

Need your help…

Putting together a pilot for a multi-module class on consulting. I have some ideas, but dear reader, I need YOUR help. What would YOU like to know most about starting or running a small consulting practice? Please take a minute and send me a short email to daryl@jumptoconsulting. Big Thank You! Uncle Daryl P.S. Just curious […]

2017 Annual Review…

Another year gone… and once again time to reflect… and to look forward.  Got this idea from The Art of Nonconformity, and have done it each year since 2011. So as always, I’ll review three categories: JumpToConsulting (www.jumptoconsulting.com) EMI-GURU aka Kimmel Gerke Associates, Ltd. (www.emiguru.com) Personal (www.linkedin.com/in/darylgerke) But first, a quick overview… The JumpToConsulting project is […]

Happy Holidays 2017…

Have a Merry Christmas … or else… Thank you for your interest in my work at both JumpToConsulting and EMIGURU.  Wishing you the joy, peace, and happiness of he season, and all the best in 2018! From our house to yours — Uncle Daryl, Mary, and Sami the Shih Tzu. © 2017, https:. All rights […]

Veteran’s Day 2017…

Just hung out the flag – something we do each Veteran’s Day.  We do so to honor our veterans – two in particular – my brother-in law, and a college friend.  Rest in peace, Sgt. Melbye. You can read a tribute to my BIL – A Veteran’s Day Story. Rest in peace, Pvt. Novak. Vietnam took […]

The Law of Triviality…

Ever been in a meeting where some jackass wastes everyone’s time with trivial arguments? Just happened to me at a recent HOA (Home Owner’s Association) meeting. Thus, this blog post… As consultants, it is often our job to keep meetings on track and to keep clients focused on the important issues — not the trivial. […]

Solve problems and report the results…

As a history buff, I found some real wisdom in a recent article about General George C. Marshall, a man highly revered for his management, wisdom, and consideration of others. One week after Pearl Harbor, he placed then Col. Eisenhower in charge of military planning and operations. Here is Eisenhower’s recollection many years later. Just […]

Apologize… and fix…

A critical test of a business is how it handles mistakes. Done right, you will have a customer for life. Done wrong, and you will lose them forever.  That is what is so perplexing about Donald Trump – who never apologizes. As a “successful” businessman, you would think he would know better. But apparently not. […]

Happy Liberation Day!

It was 30 years ago today – the day the market crashed in 1987 – that I began consulting full time. Talk about timing! I’ve often mused the FIRST day in business was the WORST day in business. All that followed were better! No, I don’t think Kimmel Gerke Associates caused the market to crash. But […]

Good Advice from the “Million Dollar Consultant”

Good advice from a consulting newsletter by Dr. Alan Weiss, the “Million Dollar Consultant.”  He graciously allowed me to reprint it here.  I remember working in my early years as a consultant with a company that had a defective product problem. They responded by sending two of the products for every one returned. That’s right, […]

Some marketing references…

Here are some marketing references from Michael Katz, the Chief Penguin of Blue Penguin Development, a marketing service firm for solo professionals.  Although I’ve never met Michael, I have been a fan for some time. Last summer I even supported an on-line broadcast for the Blue Penguin Content Club.   Unfortunately the Content Club has been discontinued, but […]

Sales as a bridge to consulting…

Contemplating consulting, but unsure how to get the business? Consider a stint in sales as a bridge to consulting. That is what I did as a Sales Engineer, and am I ever glad I did. Since sales & marketing are central to starting and building a consulting firm, the experience was invaluable. Without the sales experience, […]

Summer break…

Taking a summer break.  But have a bunch of ideas in the queue, so stay tuned. Fun times with grandkids at a water park for several days over July 4. Now off to teach a class – staying involved with the consulting firm at a slower (but still lucrative) pace. Have a great summer yourselves! […]

2016 Annual Review…

One more year gone, and once again time again to reflect. Got this idea from Chris Gullibeau of The Art of Nonconformity. Great idea! So as always, I’ll review three categories: JumpToConsulting (www.jumptoconsulting.com) EMI-GURU aka Kimmel Gerke Associates, Ltd. (www.emiguru.com) Personal (www.linkedin.com/in/darylgerke) But first, a quick overview… The JumpToConsulting project is now SIX years old. […]

Happy Holidays 2016…

Happy Holidays, and all the best in 2017! Thank you for your interest in my work at both JumpToConsulting and EMIGURU. Life as a consultant has been great for me, and I wish you happiness and joy in your lives too. Merry Christmas! From our house to yours… Uncle Daryl, Mary, and Sami the ShihTzu […]

A quick update from the trenches…

Been a bit remiss in my posts the last few months, for which I apologize. My sister-in-law has Alzheimer’s, and my wife (her only sibling) is her principal care giver. She recently reached the point where we realized she needed a move to full time memory care. As she is in Minnesota, we didn’t want […]

Happy Holidays 2015…

Wishing you all the happiness of the season, and success in 2016! Sincerely — Uncle Daryl © 2015, https:. All rights reserved.

Now What???

The first half of this year has been rough. It started out with plans to move back to our old house, followed by Mary breaking her arm which required surgery. Two weeks later, my good friend and business partner (Bill Kimmel) was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. All this happened in January! It was painful watching […]

Happy Engineer’s Week -2015

Time to celebrate for all my geeky friends! It is E-Week 2015 – February 22-28. Here are some links that may be of interest. Particularly good if you want to inspire some young person about our crazy profession. BeAnEngineer Discover Engineering NSPE – National Society of Professional Engineers So break out your favorite Dilbert cartoon, […]

Some sad news…

A New Year’s Resolution for 2015 was to post here at least once a week. Next week I’ll break it. Here is why… Late last week my business partner (and very good friend of over 40 years) was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. As many of you know, this is a very aggressive disease. The prognosis […]